10 Tips On Successfully Training Your Dog

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Are you going to add a new member to your family that is your puppy then, you must know that your responsibility is not only to feed him, but also to educate and care for him.
So read below article which surely help you how to train your new family member ( your puppy) so that it can easily adjust with your family.

Turning a puppy into a well-behaved dog will take a lot of time, patience and love, but your attempts will bear fruit in the long run. A well-trained puppy will become a wonderful dog to have around, while not training your puppy could mean that you will soon have a dog in your hands which will always create problems for you. Start training your puppy by establishing a good relationship with him and then go on to teach him all the important commands he will have to know in life.

How can you educate your dog? When it comes to educating your dog , try to always keep in mind patience and love for him, it will be the basis of success!

Things you should keep in mind when give training to your dog

• If your dog is an adult or a senior, never give up. And even if your dog is too puppy or too old, it is never too late to start training and educating your pet.
• If you share your life with a puppy, you can start your education by teaching the basic rules.
• If on the contrary, it is an adult or senior dog, it is always in time to assimilate new things!

10 basic tips to educate your dog

If you have finally decided to educate your pet, try to dedicate an extra dose of love and affection. Educating a dog takes a while so don’t despair!
Patience, the key: Remember! The learning process will progress little by little. So do not despair if your pet ignores you the first few times. Try to teach him to rule by rule, so that he assimilates them.

Be Patient: Repeat the training again and again! And most importantly, don’t be discouraged if you don’t move forward as fast as you would like. Repeat the commands and be patient, you will achieve it.

How to teach your dog basic tricks.

Be clear: For your pet to understand you, use few words (and better be short).

For example:
• Come
• Sit
• Lay down
• Still

The awards, that great ally
Every time your dog does something right, give it a caress, compliment, or a treat! Remember our post about prizes and penalties for our pet. With positive reinforcement, training your pet will be a piece of cake!

Don’t punish your dog
Correct canine training cannot be based on punishment methods under any circumstances; on the contrary, we must always use positive reinforcement as a fundamental tool.
Know that means?

The positive reinforcement is to reward the dog with specific treats for dogs, caresses and even with kind words when it shows behaviour that we like when it responds well to command or simply when it is calm. This allows the dog to positively associate a certain action. Do not punish your dog for what he does wrong; reward him for what he does well.

Training, better in quiet places
To start any canine training exercise it is of great importance that your dog is free from distractions, since only then can he concentrate fully on you and on what you ask. Avoid external stimuli that are excessive such as street noise or the presence of other dogs as they can distract him. Start the exercises when he is relaxed and enjoys a completely calm environment. For an command, always use the same term. And also remember, what you allowed today, you can’t ban tomorrow! Otherwise, you would be confusing him!

Talk in family: Before taking the step and educating your pet, get the whole family to agree. If you are going to teach him commands, agree on the words you are going to use.
• It would not hurt to fix what you are going to allow and forbid. In this way, there will be no confusion when it comes to training him!
• If you want your dog’s training to progress, try to be in an environment of tranquillity. If you are nervous yourself, you will not get anything!
• One option you can try is to train your pet while playing

Concrete physical and verbal cues: At the time of educating a dog, we will use words and gestures, in this way the dog understands exactly what we expect from him and helps him remember more easily. Both the physical and the verbal signal must be always the same, otherwise, the dog will be confused and will not know exactly what he is asked for. They must be simple signals and the tone of voice must always be firm.
Using body language will help in the future if your dog suffers from hearing impairment when he grows up.

Training in different situations
For the training process to give all the expected results you must practice the exercises with your dog in different situations once you have them assimilated. If your dog always obeys the command “sit” in the kitchen, it may be that he is confused and that when he is outside of that environment he does not recognize it or thinks he should not execute it.
It is for this reason that you must train it in different environments, in the same way, it is very important for your learning that you vary the order of the exercises.

Have fun with your dog.
Undoubtedly, another of the keys to educating dogs effectively is to have fun with them while we train them. If the dog notes that we are bored or have turned the training sessions into a routine that does not awaken us any interest, he will perceive it and adopt the same attitude. In this sense, we recommend playing games with the dog that, also, reinforce your bond, stimulate your mind and encourage learning.

How to train a puppy
Puppies do not need to be trained, because they simply just think about playing and having fun. It is only after five or six months when we can begin to train them little by little and in a very soft and playful way. We must never force or stress them. The ideal age to start training a dog is from one year of age, smoothly and progressively.

Puppies only need to play and run, interact and socialize with other dogs… let them be happy, there will be time to learn. However, when you see them doing something wrong like biting people (they will play it evidently), you can use with the “No!” commands so they begin to learn little by little.

Adult dog training
They say you can’t teach older dog new tricks, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if you have adopted a new adult dog that needs some help with the basics, or if the dog needs just a short reminder, here are some tips on his training.

Being Consistent is the key
Whatever the behavior of an adult dog you are facing, the basic training principles used for puppies will still apply. Training an adult dog already accustomed may require a little more time and patience.

First and foremost, it is vitally important to be consistent with the commands and praise. It is also important to ensure that all family members know the objectives of the training and how to use the commands correctly, to prevent your dog from receiving conflicting messages that may confuse him.

Praise instead of punishing
Dogs learn by positive reinforcement. This means that you can only reach your goals by praising the behavior you want to encourage and teach your dog what good behavior is. Punishing your dog for bad behavior probably causes him to behave worse, and it will make it harder to train him in the right way.