Are German Shepherd Dogs Good With Cats?

German Shepherds are smart for sure, but are they smart enough to get along with your pet cat?

I love both dogs and cats and was curious whether they would be able to live in harmony with one another, I did a little research and here is what I found out.

So is it possible for German Shepherds to get along with cats?

German Shepherds have strong prey chasing instincts that may make it difficult for them not to see your cat as a target worth pursuing. However, if you already got to know your German Shepherd properly as a puppy, he shouldn’t have any problem behaving with your cats .

While some German Shepherds can naturally get along with cats, others may shy away from them or even be aggressive towards them, However, with the right training and introduction, German Shepherds can and often get along very well with cats ,

It often takes a bit of work until everything between a GSD and a cat is fun and playful. There are some consonances to be considered, as well as some things that you can do to achieve this , German Shepherds are smart enough to know how to trust and who to chase. However, if you fail to give them the training they need, they may quickly lose control and scold everything that moves on their periphery,

Can dogs and cats get along?

It is a cliche, as old as mankind, that there is great rivalry and hostility between cats and dogs.

Yes, we are talking about dogs and cats . Enemies as old as time.
If anyone crossed the aisle and mended the rift between mankind’s two oldest friends, it would surely be the German Shepherd .

The German Shepherd Dog may be big, but they’re smart enough to know when to be gentle, Anyone who has had a full-grown German Shepherd in the same room as a human baby can attest to this. Irs damn adorable.

But does this gentle behavior extend to our feline friends as well? Can the German Shepherd get along with cats?

German Shepherds are the thinkers of the canine world, but that doesn’t make them less inclined to follow their instincts. If the German Shepherds are not properly socialized, they will chase a cat faster tha n you can say: “Squirrel!’

But that doesn’t mean that German Shepherds can’t learn to overcome their instincts ,
If you really get to know your German Shepherd from the time he was a puppy, he will get along well not only with cats, but also with other dogs and even strangers.

But what does it mean to ‘ socialize’ a dog and how can I do it well?
This is where we will turn our attention next.

The instinct of chasing cats
Have you ever wondered why your German Shepherd likes to hunt cats so much?Why is the
answer simple, it’s in your genes my friend ‘

German shepherds are working dogs and I bet you can guess where their specialties are, Even to day, shepherds around the world will employ German shepherds to help the flock and keep their flocks in check,

German Shepherds run through the herd to make sure no sheep are injured or in danger, They nibble on the ankles of any young lambs who dare to put a hoof out of line, It’s hard work, but they’re damn good at it.

Many German Shepherds have left the rugged, sheep-filled wilderness for a more suburban
lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean they have given up their instincts entirely,

The urge to chase fluffy creatures and choke on their ankles persists, and in the absence of sheep, your cat will be a suitable substitute,

But how can you teach your dog to ignore his powerful instincts that are bothering him? You want him to be a model citizen, but come on even if you have a hard time not bothering your cat.

The answer lies in your dog’s sociability.

Dogs are very similar to people. Some are very happy to meet strangers, while others prefer to keep more to themselves. Everyone seems to enjoy jumping on you as soon as you put on your freshly cleaned suit on the day of your big job presentation.

While some dogs seem to have a natural tendency to get by, all dogs can be trained to tolerate the presence of other animals and humans,

*This training is called “socializing” by breeders.
Socializing your German shepherd is pretty intuitive, Everyone gets nervous about new people and that includes your German Shepherd, The more time you spend doing a new activity or getting to know someone, the less it scares you and allows you to relax. This also applies to your dog,

A German Shepherd who never goes out will not be able to get on well with others, Just like
children who are home schooled never fit in. (Sorry kids who were home schooled.)

To effectively socialize your German Shepherd (and this may also apply to kids at school!) You need to bring them into contact with other dogs, animals, and people so that they become familiar with them.

According to the America n Kennel Club, German Shepherds are most open to learning and
socializing during the first three months. So start early.

You can start by feeding your German Shepherd puppy and cat close by. When feeding, place your puppy on one side of a closed door and your kitten on the other side. They freak out when they see each other, but the proximity helps the animals adapt to each other’s smell,
Before introducing your puppy to your kitten,make sure they know and follow three key

1. To sit
2. Stand still
3. And the most important. leave it

These three commands should be sufficient for direct interaction,

The first interaction between your pup and kitten should be short and (hopefully) peaceful. Keep your puppy in a kennel and put your cat in front of him .

Let them interact for 5to 10 minutes. If your puppy shows aggression, tell him “no” right away. If his aggression continues, immediately grab the kitten and leave. In this way you are stealing a “good cause” from your dog, Your presence to be the “good”,

Continue these peaceful interactions for a few weeks, gradually increasing the interaction time until your pets are able to spend half an hour in each other’s company.

When your puppy is done, take him out of the kennel and let him interact with your cat while he is on a leash. Repeat the process just as if we were still in the kennel and remove him from the cat immediately if he shows aggressive behavior or does not follow orders.

Let the two animals interact until they are peaceful with each other, then repeat the process, but without the leash. Be sure to keep an eye on your dog.

German Shepherds can be very territorial, so making sure he has his own space is a good idea.

Consider adding a cat flap to a closed door. The space behind can be your cat’s “territory” and the dog can have the rest of the space.

Remember that your German Shepherd will grow over 90 pounds. He can be a huge threat to your poor kitten, even if he’s just playing.

If your German Shepherd looks particularly fierce, send him to a puppy school to help him
socialize. Not only is puppy school a great way to effectively socialize your dog, but it can also teach your dog basic commands and help collapse.

Training tips for German Shepherds

• If you are adopting, ask a shelter worker if the dog was raised around cats. If so, then it is much more likely that he will behave with you.

• Neuter or neuter your German Shepherd before he reaches puberty at around 6 months, This will greatly reduce your kitten’s dominant behavior.

• German Shepherds love to run around and go crazy. Make sure your dog has plenty of exercise and is less of a nuisance to your cat.

• German Shepherds respond well to positive reinforcement with lots of dog treats. Don’t be
afraid to praise them whe n they behave well or don’t reward them when they do something