Discover the Surprising Truth: Why Great Pyrenees Make Perfect Indoor Pets!

Can A Great Pyrenees Be A House Dog

Are you racking your brain, wondering if your Great Pyrenees can happily adapt to a house dog’s life? You’re not alone. This question stumped me too, especially knowing these majestic dogs were initially bred for the rugged duty of guarding sheep flocks high in the Pyrenees Mountains.

But after sinking my teeth into lots of research and experiencing their companionship firsthand, I found that these stellar pups can definitely make fabulous house pets. So sit back and buckle up – let’s embark on an enlightening journey debunking common misconceptions and exploring ways to successfully welcome a Great Pyrenees into your indoor family haven!

Key Takeaways

  • Great Pyrenees can adapt well to living indoors despite their large size. Their personality and behavior matter more than their size.
  • They do not require excessive amounts of food. The recommended amount is two to four cups of high-quality dog food per day.
  • Great Pyrenees can live in warm climates as long as they are kept cool and provided with shade and fresh water.
  • While they have a gentle and affectionate nature, Great Pyrenees also have a protective instinct. With proper socialization and training, they can still be well-behaved house dogs.
  • They do not need a large amount of space to run inside the house. Adequate exercise and mental stimulation are important for them to thrive indoors.
  • Factors to consider when keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house dog include exercise needs, grooming requirements, noise tendencies, and socialization/training needs.
  • Regular exercise is essential for physical health and mental stimulation is important for preventing boredom.
  • Grooming should include regular brushing, raking, trimming, and mat prevention to maintain a healthy coat.
  • Addressing barking tendencies through training and creating calm indoor environments can help reduce excessive barking outside the house.

  1. Great Pyrenees can adapt well to living indoors regardless of their size or breed stereotypes about being outdoor working dogs originally bred for guarding livestock in mountains.
  2. Proper training methods using positive reinforcement techniques will make them obedient indoor companions who respect boundaries without being overly destructive or aggressive.
  3. Caring for their physical maintenance like grooming regularly including weekly brushing sessions keeps shedding under control.
  4. Setting up an environment that’s quiet helps minimize excessive barking especially outdoors where it might create stressors such as noises from neighbors’ pets next door while providing shelter indoors buffers stimuli sensitivity reactions typical among this breed type due its protectiveness nature inherited from guarding instincts rooted deeply within genetic makeup but nonetheless controllable through proper training and socialization.

Common Myths About Great Pyrenees as House Dogs

Many people believe that Great Pyrenees are too big for indoor living, but this is just a myth.

Myth: They are too big for indoor living.

People often think Great Pyrenees dogs are too big for indoor living. But their large size does not stop them from enjoying life inside a house. You may be surprised to learn that these dogs can adapt well to living indoors! Their personality and behavior matter more than their size.

Some may need rewards and extra training time, but they are not usually destructive in the house. The key is understanding each dog as an individual, not just by its size or breed.

Myth: They require excessive amounts of food.

It’s not true that Great Pyrenees need a lot of food. Some people think this because these dogs are large. But, too much food can make them gain weight in a bad way. It’s important to give them the right amounts.

The best amount for a Great Pyrenees is two to four cups of dry dog food each day. This should be high-quality stuff with good nutrition. Even though they are big, they don’t just sit around all day! They need the right foods to stay active and strong without becoming overweight.

Myth: Their thick coats make them unsuitable for warmer climates.

It’s not true that Great Pyrenees can’t live in warm places because of their thick coats. Their double-layered coat keeps them safe from snow and rain. But it doesn’t mean they can’t adapt to other types of weather.

Even in hot climates, they can be happy and healthy. The key is keeping them cool so they don’t overheat. Making sure there’s shade for them to rest under and fresh water helps a lot! So, while their fur may look like it’s meant for snowy days, these dogs are just fine where the sun shines brightly.

Myth: They are docile and gentle all the time.

Great Pyrenees are often known for their gentle and affectionate nature, but it’s a myth that they are docile and gentle all the time. While they do have a calm temperament and can be wonderful companions, Great Pyrenees also have a protective instinct to keep their family and territory safe.

This means that in certain situations, they may exhibit more assertive or protective behaviors. However, with proper socialization and training, they can still be well-behaved and loving house dogs.

It’s important to understand their natural instincts and provide consistent training to ensure that they become well-rounded family pets.

Myth: They need a large amount of space to run.

Great Pyrenees do not need a large amount of space to run. Contrary to popular belief, these dogs can be perfectly content snoozing on dog beds or comfortable furniture indoors. They do not necessarily require a lot of space for running and exercising.

So, if you’re considering keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house pet but worried about indoor space requirements, rest assured that this myth has been debunked. These gentle giants can thrive in an indoor living environment with adequate exercise and mental stimulation provided.

Factors to Consider When Keeping a Great Pyrenees as a House Dog

Consider the exercise and mental stimulation needs, grooming requirements, noise and barking tendencies, and socialization and training needs when keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house dog.

Exercise and mental stimulation needs

Great Pyrenees dogs, like me, need both exercise and mental stimulation to be happy and healthy as house pets. We are a breed with a purpose, originally bred to guard livestock in the mountains.

This means that we have a lot of energy and intelligence that needs to be channeled in the right way. Physical activity is important for us every day, whether it’s going on walks or playing games like fetch.

In addition to exercise, we also need mental engagement. Brain exercises like puzzle toys or training sessions can keep our minds sharp and prevent boredom. So if you’re considering having a Great Pyrenees as a house dog, make sure you’re ready to give us plenty of physical exercise and cognitive stimulation!

Grooming requirements

Keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house dog requires regular grooming to ensure their coat stays healthy. They have a double coat that needs weekly brushing to maintain its softness and minimize shedding.

Grooming also includes raking and trimming to prevent matting. This breed has moderate grooming needs, but it’s important to establish a consistent grooming routine to keep their fur in good condition.

Regular care can make sure their coat looks great and keeps them comfortable indoors.

Noise and barking tendencies

Great Pyrenees are known for their reactive barking, and many have been surrendered because of excessive barking outside. It’s important to create a calm and quiet space for them inside the house to help reduce their barking tendencies.

In noisy environments, Great Pyrenees can become more anxious and bark even more. Training them to understand which situations require barking and which do not is crucial. These dogs have a strong instinct to bark due to their guarding roots, but bringing them indoors can help buffer outside noises and diminish their need to bark excessively.

Socialization and training needs

Socialization is really important for Great Pyrenees like me because we have this natural instinct to guard and protect. It’s crucial for us to be exposed to new people, places, and experiences from a young age so that we can learn how to behave properly in different situations.

Early puppy training and socialization are key to helping us become well-adjusted and well-mannered dogs. Some of us may not be too excited about standard obedience training because we might not see the point of it, but positive reinforcement methods work great with us! So make sure you invest time in socializing and training your Great Pyrenees pup right from the start.

Tips for Successfully Keeping a Great Pyrenees as a House Dog

Provide regular exercise, consistent training, and a comfortable indoor living environment to ensure a happy and well-adjusted Great Pyrenees. Read on to learn more about keeping this majestic breed as a house dog!

Provide regular exercise and mental stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential for keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house dog. They need physical activity to stay healthy and prevent boredom. Here are some tips for providing regular exercise and mental stimulation:

  1. Take them for daily walks: Great Pyrenees should have daily walks to help burn off energy and keep them physically fit.
  2. Engage in interactive playtime: Play engaging games like fetch or tug-of-war with them. This not only provides physical exercise but also mental enrichment.
  3. Provide puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys: These can keep their minds engaged and provide a fun challenge while rewarding them at the same time.
  4. Teach new tricks or commands: Mental stimulation can be achieved through training sessions where you teach them new tricks or reinforce obedience commands.
  5. Try nose work activities: Great Pyrenees have strong senses, so hiding treats around the house or teaching them to find objects using their noses can provide mental stimulation.

Establish consistent training and socialization routines

To successfully keep a Great Pyrenees as a house dog, it’s important to establish consistent training and socialization routines. This helps them become more responsive and cooperative. Socialization is especially important for this breed due to their guarding nature. Here are some tips for establishing these routines:

  1. Start training and socialization from an early age.
  2. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviors.
  3. Be patient and consistent with your training efforts.
  4. Focus on teaching basic commands such as sit, stay, and come.
  5. Expose your Great Pyrenees to different people, animals, and environments to help them become comfortable in various situations.
  6. Incorporate regular socialization outings where they can interact with other dogs in a controlled setting.
  7. Provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive play sessions.
  8. Set clear boundaries and rules within the house to establish a predictable and orderly routine.
  9. Create quiet time for your Great Pyrenees to relax and recharge.

Maintain a regular grooming schedule

Regular grooming is essential for keeping a Great Pyrenees as a house dog. Here are some tips to help you maintain a regular grooming schedule:

  • Perform routine inspections: Regularly check your Great Pyrenees for any signs of skin issues, parasites, or other health concerns. This will help you catch any problems early on and address them promptly.
  • Brush adequately: Brush your Great Pyrenees at least once a week to keep their coat clean and free from tangles. Use a slicker brush or a pin brush to reach through their thick fur and remove any loose hair or debris.
  • Establish a schedule: Set aside specific times each week for grooming sessions. Consistency is key to maintaining your Great Pyrenees’ coat health.
  • Determine the recommended frequency: Depending on your Great Pyrenees’ individual needs, you may need to groom them more frequently during shedding seasons or if they have longer hair. Consult with your veterinarian or professional groomer for guidance on the ideal grooming frequency.
  • Bathing and brushing routine: Create a bathing and brushing routine that suits your Great Pyrenees’ needs. Some owners find that bathing every other week works well, while others prefer once every six weeks. Remember not to over-bathe, as it can strip their coat of natural oils.
  • Address varying grooming needs: Keep in mind that the intensity of grooming may vary depending on factors like breed, location, and time of year. Adjust your grooming routine accordingly to meet these specific needs.

Address barking tendencies through training and redirection

To successfully address barking tendencies in a Great Pyrenees, I’ve found that training and redirection techniques can be effective. Here are some tips to help with this:

  1. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your Great Pyrenees with treats and praise when they are quiet and calm. This will reinforce the behavior you want to see.
  2. Teach an alternative behavior: Instead of barking excessively, teach your Great Pyrenees a command like “quiet” or “enough”. When they start barking, use the command and reward them when they stop.
  3. Provide mental stimulation: Boredom can contribute to excessive barking, so make sure your Great Pyrenees has plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied.
  4. Avoid reinforcing the barking: If your Great Pyrenees starts barking for attention or out of excitement, avoid giving them any attention until they are calm. This teaches them that barking won’t get them what they want.
  5. Seek professional help if needed: If your Great Pyrenees continues to have persistent barking issues, it may be helpful to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for additional guidance and support.

Create a comfortable and secure indoor living environment

To create a comfortable and secure indoor living environment for a Great Pyrenees, there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Provide a cozy and designated sleeping area where your Great Pyrenees can rest peacefully. They enjoy having their own space to retreat to when they need some quiet time.
  • Make sure the indoor areas are safe and secure. Great Pyrenees have a tendency to wander or escape if they feel insecure or bored. Ensure that doors, windows, and fences are properly secured to prevent any potential escape attempts.
  • Set up a predictable routine for your Great Pyrenees. They thrive on consistency and appreciate knowing what to expect throughout the day. By establishing regular feeding times, exercise routines, and quiet time periods, you can help create a calm and orderly environment for them.
  • Joining family lifestyle: Since they love companionship, make sure someone is around most of the time to provide them with attention and affection. Also involving them in family activities helps them bond with the family members better.


In conclusion, Great Pyrenees can indeed be house dogs. Despite common myths about their size and exercise needs, they can adapt well to indoor living as long as their physical and mental stimulation requirements are met.

With proper training, socialization, and grooming, Great Pyrenees can thrive in a house environment and make loyal, loving companions for families.


1. Can a Great Pyrenees be kept as a house dog?

Yes, Great Pyrenees can be kept as house dogs, but they require ample space indoors and regular exercise to keep them happy and healthy.

2. Are Great Pyrenees good with children?

Yes, with proper socialization and training, Great Pyrenees can be gentle and protective companions for children.

3. Do Great Pyrenees bark a lot?

Yes, Great Pyrenees are known to be vocal dogs and may bark to alert their owners of potential threats or changes in their environment.

4. Do Great Pyrenees shed a lot of fur?

Yes, Great Pyrenees have thick double coats that shed seasonally and require regular grooming sessions to manage their shedding.

5. Are Great Pyrenees easy to train?

No, due to their independent nature, training a Great Pyrenees may require patience and consistency along with positive reinforcement methods.