Unleash the Ultimate Guide: Prevent Your Great Pyrenees from Vanishing

How To Keep Great Pyrenees From Running Away

Don’t you just roll your eyes when you find your Great Pyrenees doing their best Houdini impression, escaping the confines of your yard? Trust me, I know what it’s like. These gentle giants seem born to roam, harking back to their guardian heritage.

But with a well-rounded approach combining effective training methods, suitable fencing, and generous amounts of mental stimulation – all of which we’ll discuss here – this wandering behavior can definitely be managed.

Ready to keep your furry explorer safely at home? Let’s get right into it!

Key Takeaways

  • Train your Great Pyrenees to stay in the yard by setting clear tasks, using a leash for supervision, and providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Use preventative measures like creating an airlock or installing double gates to prevent escape.
  • Implement the environment method by making the yard fun, staying with your dog, hiding treats around the yard, creating a designated dig area, and providing shade and water.
  • Ensure adequate fencing by building tall fences with modifications on top and bottom to prevent jumping or digging. Avoid relying solely on electric fences as they may be less effective for this breed.

How to Train a Great Pyrenees to Stay in the Yard

To train a Great Pyrenees to stay in the yard, start by defining specific tasks and getting started with basic obedience training. Use preventative measures like keeping the dog on a leash or using a section of the yard close to you.

Implement the environment method by creating an airlock or installing double gates to prevent escape. Don’t forget mental stimulation and exercise – provide plenty of both to keep your Great Pyrenees happy and less likely to wander off.

Defining tasks and getting started

Getting your dog, a Great Pyrenees, to stay in the yard needs a clear guide. Here are steps to get you started:

  1. Set clear tasks: Define what you want your dog to do. It could be staying within set lines in the yard.
  2. Use a rope or leash: Tethering is suggested for this breed. They learn faster they have limits.
  3. Start boundary training: Teach your great Pyrenees about boundaries using positive methods. This helps them know their space in the yard.
  4. Remember exercise: Your dog needs enough play and run time every day.
  5. Make playtime fun and smart: Don’t just let them run wild! Include puzzles and games to keep their mind active too.
  6. Use rewards: Great Pyrenees dogs are smart but can be hard-headed at times! Rewards help motivate them during training.

Using the prevention method

I use the prevention method to stop my Great Pyrenees from running away. This method is very helpful and works in different steps.

  1. I leash my dog. Using a long leash helps me control where my dog goes. It keeps him safe in the yard.
  2. We take walks around the yard. Doing this makes my dog like being in the yard more.
  3. I use boundary training to let my dog know where he can and cannot go.
  4. The Invisible Fence® system is an aid too! Because it’s invisible, it doesn’t block views but still keeps my dog within bounds.
  5. Exercise and playtime are key! These fun activities help keep him happy, so he doesn’t want to roam far away.
  6. Mental work is just as important as physical exercise for my Great Pyrenees. Stimulation games can tire him out and lower his urge to run off.

Implementing the environment method

To keep your Great Pyrenees from running away, using the environment method is key. Here’s how it works:

  1. Make the yard fun – Add toys and play games with your dog there.
  2. Stay in the yard with your dog – Your presence will make your Pyrenees feel safe and less likely to escape.
  3. Hide treats around the yard – This might keep your furry friend busy searching rather than trying to run away.
  4. Create a dig area – If they fancy digging, give them a spot of their own where it’s okay to dig.
  5. Provide shade and water – They will want to stay cool on hot days if a cool spot is available.

Applying the full package method

To train a Great Pyrenees to stay in the yard, I recommend applying the full package method. Here are the steps:

  1. Start with boundary training using positive reinforcement techniques.
  2. Set clear boundaries and define specific tasks for your Great Pyrenees.
  3. Use prevention methods such as supervising your dog and creating barriers to restrict access to escape routes.
  4. Implement the environment method by making the yard secure and free from temptations that may entice your dog to run away.
  5. Leash train your Great Pyrenees and walk them around the perimeter of the yard to establish a sense of security and attachment.
  6. Utilize a yard containment system like the Boundary Plus® Wired System for added protection.
  7. Be consistent with training and reinforce good behavior through rewards and praise.

Ensuring Adequate Fencing and Mental Stimulation

To keep your Great Pyrenees from running away, it is important to have adequate fencing and provide mental stimulation. Find out how to create a safe environment for your furry friend by reading more.

Electric fences and adequate fencing

When it comes to keeping a Great Pyrenees from running away, electric fences and adequate fencing are crucial. Building tall fences with modifications on the top and bottom can help prevent them from jumping over or digging under.

It’s important to note that using an invisible fence is not recommended for this breed, as they may be more likely to escape compared to other types of fences. In studies done, dogs have shown a higher tendency to escape electronic fences.

While using an alternative like an invisible fence may seem tempting, it’s essential to consider the safety and effectiveness of such options. By ensuring secure fencing and avoiding reliance on potentially unreliable methods like electric pet containment, you can provide a safe and secure environment for your Great Pyrenees without the risk of them escaping.

Providing mental stimulation

Mental stimulation is essential for keeping a Great Pyrenees happy and preventing them from running away. These dogs are smart and active, so it’s important to give them plenty of cognitive enrichment.

This can include things like playing brain games, giving them interactive toys, and providing problem-solving activities. Sniffing and exploring during walks also provide mental exercise for Great Pyrenees.

It’s crucial to keep their minds engaged as well as their bodies active to ensure they stay content in the yard.

Addressing Common Concerns and Questions

– Dealing with escaping behavior: Learn effective strategies to prevent your Great Pyrenees from running away and explore helpful solutions for addressing this common concern.

– Using shock collars and other methods: Understand the pros and cons of using various tools, including shock collars, to discourage your Great Pyrenees from escaping and discover alternative approaches.

– Understanding the breed’s tendencies: Gain insight into the instincts and behaviors of Great Pyrenees that contribute to their wandering tendencies and find ways to work with these traits.

Read on to learn more about keeping your Great Pyrenees safe at home.

Dealing with escaping behavior

Dealing with a Great Pyrenees dog’s escaping behavior can be challenging, but it is important to address it in a positive and effective way. Punishing the dog for escaping can have negative effects on their behavior and our relationship with them.

Instead, we should focus on understanding why they are trying to escape. It could be due to fear or separation anxiety, so punishing them will only make them more afraid. We need to use techniques that build trust and confidence in our dog.

Providing them with enough exercise, mental stimulation, and attention can help reduce their desire to roam. Additionally, ensuring that our yard has secure fencing can prevent escapes altogether.

Using shock collars and other methods

When it comes to addressing common concerns and questions about training Great Pyrenees dogs, there may be alternative methods to consider instead of using shock collars. For example, barking stimulation or vibration collars can be used as a more suitable approach.

It’s important to note that electric shock collars should only be used if you are willing to test them on yourself and believe they are acceptable for your dog. Always prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry friend.

Additionally, it’s essential to remember that punishment for excessive barking should never cause harm or distress. A bark collar can provide a warning tone before delivering a mild stimulation, which can help reprimand the behavior effectively without causing discomfort.

This method aims to deter the dog from barking excessively in a humane way.

Furthermore, when dealing with resource guarding in Great Pyrenees dogs, it is crucial not to punish the behavior harshly as this can worsen the problem and potentially increase aggression.

Positive reinforcement techniques are recommended in such cases where desirable behaviors are rewarded while unwanted behaviors are ignored or redirected.

Understanding the breed’s tendencies

Great Pyrenees dogs have certain tendencies that are important to understand. They are known for their independent nature and calm demeanor. These dogs were bred to be livestock guardian dogs (LGDs), which means they were originally trained to protect sheep from predators like wolves.

This background explains why Great Pyrenees dogs may have a strong instinct to roam and go on solo adventures. It’s in their DNA to wander and explore, so it’s crucial for owners to provide them with proper training, secure fencing, and mental stimulation to help keep them from running away.

Additionally, being aware of any health concerns specific to the breed can also contribute to better understanding their tendencies and overall well-being.


To keep your Great Pyrenees from running away, it’s important to focus on management and training. Use methods like prevention, creating a secure environment, and providing mental stimulation.

Ensure you have adequate fencing and secure latches on gates. Remember, consistency and patience are key when training your Great Pyrenees to stay in the yard. With these tips, you can help keep your furry friend safe at home where they belong!


1. How can I keep my Great Pyrenees from running away?

To prevent your Great Pyrenees from running away, make sure to provide them with a secure and fenced-in yard or use a leash when taking them out for walks.

2. Why do Great Pyrenees tend to run away?

Great Pyrenees are independent and territorial dogs, so they may have a tendency to wander if not properly trained or if they sense the need to protect their territory.

3. Can training help keep my Great Pyrenees from running away?

Yes, proper training can be effective in teaching your Great Pyrenees commands such as “stay” and “come,” which can help prevent them from running off.

4. Are there any specific precautions I should take to keep my Great Pyrenees safe?

It is important to microchip your Great Pyrenees and ensure they always wear identification tags with up-to-date contact information in case they do manage to escape.

5. Should I consult a professional dog trainer for assistance in keeping my Great Pyrenees from running away?

If you’re having difficulty preventing your Great Pyrenees from running away, seeking the guidance of a professional dog trainer can be beneficial in addressing this behavior issue effectively.